On this page, I list some sites I use a lot. You may find something of interest too. Click on the highlighted text to go to the relevant site.
National Redress Scheme. Be aware that this site is run by the Commonwealth Department of Social Services and, while it contains some useful information, viewers should be aware the site is uncritical of the many problems of the Scheme.
Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse – investigated how institutions like schools, churches, sports clubs and government organisations have responded to allegations and instances of child sexual abuse.
Elizabeth Moore Golding – Fine Artist
Dr Dan Golding – Professor in Media & Communications at Swinburne University. Award-winning writer (ABC Arts, Crikey, Buzzfeed, Meanjin). He co-wrote Game Changers (Affirm Press, 2016), wrote Star Wars After Lucas (University of Minnesota Press 2019). Host of Screen Sounds on ABC Classic Saturdays 6:00-8:00 pm
Peter Golding – CEO Galvanisers Association of Australia
CLAN – Care Leavers Australasia Network – a national support, advocacy, research and training network for people who grew up in Australian or New Zealand orphanages, children’s Homes, foster care and other institutions
Find & Connect – a resource for Care Leavers, ‘Forgotten Australians’, Former Child Migrants and anyone interested in the history of child welfare in Australia
Cafs Heritage Services – will help you trace the history of past residents who spent time in the Ballarat & District Orphan Asylum, the Ballarat Orphanage and Children’s Homes. Visit the Heritage Centre in the basement of Ludbrook House 115 Lydiard Street North, Ballarat (after Covid-19 all-clear). Phone 03 5337 3333, and ask to talk to Lauren Bourke about what’s happening at the old 200 Victoria Street site.
National Library Oral History Project – life stories of children who grew up in orphanages, children’s Homes, adoption and other institutions
National Archives of Australia – especially useful for searching for a family member who served in the armed services.
Public Records Office Victoria – records about anyone who had any dealings with a Victorian government department
TROVE – a collaboration between the National Library of Australia and hundreds of Partner organisations around Australia to search newspapers and other resources .
Honest History – great site which “promotes balanced consideration of Australian history, by making contesting, evidence-based interpretations available to students, teachers, universities, journalists, and the public. We challenge the misuse of history in the service of political or other agendas.”