Spin doctors and children in detention

The wheel turns on media spin.   

In June this year, Fairfax media reported that the number of ‘spin doctors’ and communications staff employed by the Australian Immigration Department had risen to 95 – up from 13 under the previous government in 2011.  This in a time when the Government is telling us there’s a budget crisis and we must all tighten our belts.  What do these ‘spin doctors’ do all day? Apparently, their job is to conceal information about children in detention. Read more here.

My mind harks back to 1934 when the public were positively encouraged to visit and inspect children in detention. Many of these babies were in the so-called hospital because they had been forcibly removed from their mothers who, you will notice, are not mentioned in this advertisement.

Save the Babies 1934

Spin doctors and children in detention
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