Tony Abbott

Learning from Abbott’s Downfall

Tony Abbott never got it. The day he was toppled as Prime Minister, Tony Abbott looked confused and crushed. And in shock. His leadership had been suddenly snatched from him—and he did not understand why. He could not see that creating a macho government of socially-conservative white men and governing in the interests of a […]

A New Australian Knight

  UPDATE 30 January 2015 Confusion Reigns:  who will do the honours for Sir Phil? Apparently, Tony hasn’t yet told the Queen whether she can dub her hubby personally,  or Tony will do it,  or it can be a Selfie. A spokesman at Buckingham Palace says: “The Queen acts on the advice of the Australian government […]

Australian Politics 2014

We all have lists of things we wish should never happen.  Abbott Coalition’s attacks on living standards in Australia include: 1. The worst budget in living memory with no sense of fair play or regard to pre-election promises. It cruelly attacked the poor while granting bonuses to the wealthy – creating outrage in the community.  And the government […]

10 Blunders in Child Welfare

 UPDATE The ten worst blunders in child welfare in  Australia  since 1788. COUNT DOWN TO NUMBER 1 It has been hard deciding which of all the many mistakes of the past – and those which continue to be made – warrants the title “the worst”. But here it is. BLUNDER # 1: Having inflicted significant damage on children […]

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